New novel in the works

Hello, hi

With much pride I am pleased to announce that I will be publishing a new novel in the next few weeks. Currently I am concluding it, and will be doing some proof-reading. I will probably go over it a few times, make some changes and of course perfect the layout. It's around 20000 words, which technically means it's more of a novella than a novel, but let's just skip the pedantics for now. 

It's a tale of freedom, of human flaws, of life, and of course excess. A journalist is sent to a fictional island on the coast of California to write an article on a music festival set to take place. The festival is going well with the protagonist taking advantage of the fact that drugs are legal (on the island) until something bad happens. All i can say is 'Aaaaaaargh' - a little hint.

Anyway, if you like tales of excess and living it up and partying hard it's a story you might benefit from reading. While there is a definite plot and story there is also a great deal of social commentary, introspection and in my opinion character growth. 

Look out for it on, it is entitled 'In Progress: A Novel"


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