POEM: Happiness In Strange Places


I find happiness in strange places
I’m sure that many people do
But I find it when I see a smile
That can conquer the world
I find it in seeing someone happy to be alive
I mean genuinely happy
Not insincere or false
But so happy that their beams radiate off onto you
And brighten up your day
I find it in having a drink
And talking about the weather
I find it in having a smoke
And waving my hand around as I speak
I finding it in knowing or learning
That the evil are getting what they deserve
That the good are getting what they deserve
That the rich have earned what they have
And didn’t play a game of sabotage to get where they are
That the hard workers are being rewarded
That the poor are getting a break
As I said,
I find happiness in strange places

© Dean R Boic 2015


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