Everything That's Wrong - POEM
They’ll kill you for an entry-level cell
They’ll maim you if you’re carrying
It isn’t even about food, nor money
It’s not even about social standing, status
They get some kind of kick,
Some kind of thrill out of it,
High on the crimes themselves.
A cemetery gets robbed,
Fuck me!
Who does that?
A construction site, robbed
Of its tools, what the fuck?
The cops blame everything
On drugs and trafficking.
They would arrest a man
For selling drugs
To keep his family’s
Heads above the bullshit
They devote their time
To giving out tickets
Performing raids
Waiting for tips
From neurotic neighbours
Who smell the faint
Or sometimes distinct
Smell of Mary Jane
They call up the men,
The men in blue,
And they show up
And arrest a mellow man
Getting stoned in his house
They drive around at night,
They wait around bars,
In the parking,
And nab you when you start your engine,
“You’ve had too much,”
And they put you away for the night
For having a good time
But people are starving,
There’s a drought
There’s a president
Stealing money from us
There’s a crime syndicate
Telling him what to do
And indirectly
Telling us what to do
But the men in blue,
They’re worried about the small fries
The small things,
The practically irrelevant things,
And we are prisoners already
Waiting for a change
In the status quo
The regime itself is pointless
Founded upon negative intentions
Based upon a history
That should never have occurred
think that we’d have moved on by now,
Twenty years after the fact
Twenty years after we were condemned
By numerous other countries
Our media still paints
A picture of racial segregation
Giving others the impression
That we’re still the same cunts
That we were
Over twenty years ago
We had that much time
To correct the problems
Of the former regime
And some of it wasn’t all that bad
And we’ve done more damage
Let beautiful suburbs
Victorian architecture
Fall to shit
Bums, breaking windows
Of buildings left long standing
To shit inside four walls
Desecrating history
All over again
And history is like anything
It has good parts
And some bad parts
And like true human beings
We focus on the bad
We are mindless savages
Ignorant fools
In one of the most beautiful countries
On God’s green Earth
And we need to take our fingers
Out of our arses
And fucking look at it
And just register
What the fuck has gone on,
What the fuck has gone
Fantastically wrong
We can learn some things
From the rest of the world
We can learn some things
From our own sordid, bloodied history
We know exactly how
To fix things
We know exactly
What not
to do
But do we really want to
God...only knows
But I beg and plead
That He can make some time
And give us a helping hand
Because we’re too busy
Finger in the anus
The other hand pointed
At everything else
that’s wrong
in this country
© Dean R Boic 2016 (image courtesy of www.nairaland.com)
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