Tales of Kalash Part I: Uncensored Chronicles of the Inappropriate

Tales of Kalash part I: Uncensored Chronicles of the Inappropriate, available now on Amazon. It's part one of a trilogy. Rated 18+.

High fantasy with a bang...

Young prince Owain of the Kingdom of Kalash is forced to travel to another kingdom, the Kingdom of Klaouo, in order to learn how to be a proper king. He journeys with his father, King Nerik and an aging knight, Emric Waltz. Together, they face numerous odds and encounter dragons, Faeries and hard-boiled warriors. As the story unravels itself, things are just as chaotic at the castle; Queen Isabel and Princess Isabella both encounter problems. The Queen is suffering from menopause and the hormonal imbalances which accompany it, and the Princess is young and full of love which she wishes to share.Naturally, things don't go as planned. One event sparks more events, and these events are mostly unexpected. Owain, his father and Emric Waltz continue their journey. Owain learns of a powerful necromancer who wants to rule the world, and there is only one weapon that can defeat him; the sword, Keenus, buried atop the mountain, Phallicus, far to the south. Who will wield it? This novel is about the quest to obtain this sword, and the events preceding this quest. There is only so much that can be said; the rest will have to be read.


For an excerpt (or actually to read most of the novel) go to www.inkitt.com and check out the Grand Novel Contest. It's on the list, very far down at the bottom but that's only due to unawareness.. Believe  me when I say...

Thanks for the support

Dean R Boic


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